About me:


Susan Fouché

Personal Trainer


My name is Susan Fouché. I am a passionate personal trainer. As founder of Hernu-U I believe unequivocally in the ability of every person to turn their life around and renew it.

I received my qualification as a Personal Trainer through Menno Henselmans which focuses on building strength and renewing the body. The Henselmans qualification is a high-quality international fitness course based on thorough research.

The Henselmans PT Course - Supported by science, tested in the trenches. It will teach you how to become an evidence-based fitness professional. All of the material in this course is supported with hyperlinks to the scientific articles

Men sana in corpore sano


I am also a qualified Pilates instructor through Trifocus Pilates after which I worked for years on a one to one basis, specifically with clients who needed rehabilitation.

My professional interest lies in showing people how much a healthy body is linked to a healthy mind: Men sana in corpore sano.

The body and the mind cannot be separated. The more we learn and the more we study the body, the more we realize how closely each aspect works together. How you eat, exercise, sleep as well as your stress levels all have an impact on the hormones your body secretes and therefore a direct impact on your mood and mind.

I believe that the strength you build in your body transfers to strength in other aspects of your life. So the right form of exercise is not only good for your body, but also particularly powerful in supporting you and making you more resilient to all the challenges in your life.

In my personal life, where the Lord has taken and carried me through times of hardship and struggle with many challenges and losses, I have learned that movement plays a key role in soul happiness and that it is one of the best pillars of 'mental health' .My own history and experience drive me to help others be healthier and happier, get stronger and realize the benefits of movement.

Today my focus is Renewal. Through Hernu-U , I strive to give other people a chance to make a U-turn in their lives. Hernu-U.
